The most important information about the conference — such as form, date, place — can be found in the "Homepage"/"About the conference"/"Virtual Meeting" tab. We also recommend using the conference calendar on the ViaMedica website: http://viamedica.pl/konferencje, where you can find basic information about the conference/webinar.
The broadcast can be viewed on the webinar website in the "Lecture Rooms" tab, after logging in or registering.
It is possible to start transmission with a delay of several minutes. However, if the broadcast still does not start, please refresh the page and try again.
In most cases, this is due to your internet connection's insufficient capacity. If the link is successfully verified at: https://utilities.clickmeeting.com/connection-tester, please contact the Organizer directly.
The user's internet connection should have a bandwidth greater than 10 Mbps. To analyse the problem, please use the tool that allows you to verify both the Internet connection, the operating system and the browser: https://utilities.clickmeeting.com/connection-tester.
If there is no synchronization of the picture with the sound or the lack of voice, please refresh the page. Please also check the audio settings on the device you are using during the transmission — whether the sound is turned off or muted.
We recommend that you use the latest version of the following browsers to watch the broadcast: Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Safari. You can also use the following tool to verify your browser: https://utilities.clickmeeting.com/connection-tester.
After the webinars are finished, the materials will be successively posted on the TVmed.plportal.
To enter the Sponsor's virtual room, please register or log in. Then select the "Company Exhibition" tab.
In most cases, this is due to your internet connection's insufficient capacity. If the link is successfully verified at: https://utilities.clickmeeting.com/connection-tester, please contact the Organizer directly.
If there is no synchronization of the picture with the sound or the lack of voice, please refresh the page. Please also check the audio settings on the device you are using during the transmission — whether the sound is turned off or muted.
The user's internet connection should have a bandwidth greater than 10 Mbps. To analyse the problem, please use the tool that allows you to verify both the Internet connection, the operating system and the browser: https://utilities.clickmeeting.com/connection-tester.
The shared materials can be downloaded by going to the "Downloads" tab at the Sponsor's stand or — from the Sponsor's virtual room window — to the event panel (upper right corner) and selecting the "Shared files" tab.
Please verify that you have the latest browser version: Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Safari.
To redeem the voucher, please visit the conference website. Then select the "Registration" tab and log in or register, and then select the "Redeem voucher" field. Please enter the voucher code provided on the invitation and click the "Submit code" button. This way the voucher will be successfully entered. Within a few minutes, your order number will be displayed on your profile in the electronic registration system, followed by the available webinars. Just click the "Available webinars" button to watch the webinar of your choice. The system may ask you to log in again — just enter the same data that you provided in the electronic registration system.
Information about educational points can be found in the tab "Home"/"About the conference"/"About Virtual Meeting".
The certificates of participation will be sent after the end of the webinar to the e-mail address provided during registration for the webinar.
The option to download the certificate is available only to people who have registered in the system on their own (they have login details to the webinar registration system).
To download the certificate, please log in to your profile in the electronic registration system by selecting the Registration button on the conference website.
From the menu on the left, please select Print certificate.
Then click Download Certificate.
The generated certificate, ready for printing, will appear in a new window.
Please click Print.
Please contact us at the e-mail address provided at the bottom of the webinar page.
Please see the entire webinar to obtain the certificate. If viewing is interrupted before the end of the webinar, the certificate will not be awarded.
Information is available on the webinar website.
To register for the webinar, please register in the electronic registration system by selecting the "Registration"/"Free registration" button on the webinar website. For paid webinars, please also pay.
The webinars are aimed at anyone interested in the subject. Satellite sessions of pharmaceutical companies, sessions of pharmaceutical companies and exhibitions of pharmaceutical companies are addressed only to persons authorized to issue prescriptions or persons trading in medicinal products — legal basis: Act of 6 September 2001 Pharmaceutical Law (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 2211, as amended).
Please log in to your profile in the electronic registration system by selecting the "Registration", button on the webinar website and check that the registration has been made correctly.
To participate in the webinar, the participant is required to register and pay the fee in a timely manner in the amount and to the account indicated in the electronic registration system. Please pay the fee in the amount and on the date specified by the Organizer, this information can be found on the webinar website.
To receive a pro forma invoice, please register on the webinar website ("Registration" button), in the registration process, please select "I want to receive a VAT invoice", and then complete the invoice details. After that, please send a request for a pro forma invoice to the e-mail address provided on the webinar website.
To receive an invoice, please register on the webinar website ("Registration" button), in the registration process, please select "I want to receive a VAT invoice", and then complete the invoice details. The invoice will be sent to the e-mail address provided.
Please send such a request to the e-mail address provided on the webinar website.
The conditions for resignation from the event can be found on the webinar website.
To change the participant's name, please contact the e-mail address provided on the webinar website.
The regulations are available in the conference registration system. To register, it is required to accept the regulations. The regulations are also available on the Organizer's website — http://www.viamedica.pl/konferencje/regulamin-konferencji.
The organizers make every effort to make the program available as soon as possible. The program will be published on the website as soon as it is submitted by the Scientific Committee.
The program is subject to change. We will inform you about any changes regularly — please follow the webinar website.
Changing the program does not entitle you to resign from participation in the webinar free of charge.
To obtain information, please subscribe to the newsletter (http://viamedica.pl/newsletter) and select the appropriate topic that interests you.
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